- Claude Bernard -
“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
Peer-reviewed journal Publications
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In preparation
Kruger DJD, Netherlands EC, Du Preez LH. An assessment of the detection probability using passive acoustic monitoring in Ndumo Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal. Target journal: Koedoe
Kruger DJD, Brown L, Du Preez LH. The extraordinary vocal behaviour and four non-linear phenomena in the call of the Common River Frog (Amietia quecketti). Target journal: African Herpetology
Kruger DJD, Tarrant J, Faraday, A, Faraday R, Collinson W, Du Preez LH (In prep) Putting the citizen in science: Using volunteer-based data to determine the effect of vehicular traffic on the endangered Western Leopard Toad (Amietophrynus pantherinus) in Noordhoek, South Africa. Target journal: Conservation Evidence.
Brown L, Kruger DJD, Parris KM, Burger, R, Du Preez LH (In prep) Exploring environmental drivers of frog calling behaviour using automated acoustic monitoring . Target journal: Animal Behaviour.
Kruger DJD, Du Preez LH. (In press) The effect of airplane noise on frogs: A case study on the Critically Endangered Pickersgill’s reed frog (Hyperolius pickersgilli). Ecological Research 31: 393–405 .
Tarrant J, Kruger DJD, Du Preez LH. (In press) Do public attitudes affect conservation effort? Using a questionnaire-based survey to assess perceptions, beliefs and superstitions associated with frogs in South Africa. African Zoology
Kruger DJD, Hamer AJ, Du Preez, LH (2015) Urbanization affects frog communities at multiple scales in a rapidly developing African city. Urban Ecosytems. DOI 10.1007/s11252-015-0443-y
Netherlands EC, Cook CA, Kruger DJD, Du Preez LH, Smit NJ (2015) Biodiversity of frog haemoparasites from sub-tropical northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 4:135-141. (Invited paper)
Kruger DJD, Weldon C, Minter L, Du Preez, LH. 2013. Morphology of the elygium and developing umbraculum in the eye of Amietia vertebralis tadpoles. Journal of Morphology 274: 551–556.
Kruger DJD, Weldon C, Du Preez LH. 2011. Resolving the confusion: Amietia vertebralis and A. umbraculata tadpole morphology. African Zoology 46(2): 309–319.